Kids Love Hockey!

Hockey is loved by kids worldwide.
Let's give them a place to call home.

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Hockey Kids, a Hockey Site for Kids

Most content on the web is made for adults by adults (or for kids by adults). We want to turn the tables and have our content made for kids by kids. Are you a kid that likes Hockey? Do you follow the sport and all the latest news and trends? Why not join us?

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For Kids by Kids

Hockey Kids is kid-focused content created by kid authors for a kid audience.

Focused Content

All our content is made for kids so you can rest assured we are age appropriate.

Let's Go Global!

We welcome kids from everywhere. We all speak the same language - FUN!

Made with Love

Our site is developed in cooperation with kids who are passionate about Hockey!

Contact Us

Ready to get started? Give us a call and let's talk about how you can get involved with Hockey Kids!

+1 (888) 438-3895